
I hope you have been well?

So, new blog name, title image…thingy – what do you think? Thought it was time for a change as I am finally able to get things done after a time of coldy/achey/dizzy horridness.  This seems to have passed, leaving me feeling much more active and needing to make up for my absence.

But I’m sure you’re more interested in what my four-legged family have been up to, after all they are the real stars of this blog. Not a lot to report at the moment, but we have discovered that Wiley boy is not a fan of thunderstorms, bless him.

I was there excitedly pointing out of the window after every rumble, not realising he had curled up in his basket, begging me to be quiet and let him sleep.


My recent adventures have included a visit to a historic castle, spending time by the seaside during a local fishing festival & being surrounded by wolves…not much really 😉

Here is a small part of Hadleigh castle, most of it has slipped down the hill, but the walls that remain are still impressive.

Part of the castle wall

The grassy areas make wonderful picnic spots. I highly recommend a visit, there is a lovely view and you get to meet a beautiful herd of cows as you approach the castle 🙂

Then there was Leigh Fishing Festival, a fun day out, if a little wet towards the end when the clouds rolled in with the tide! Plenty of seafood goodness to keep me going and the cheery sounds of the accordion floating through the air.

A little cloudy…

No, I haven’t forgotten about the wolves, I figure they deserve a post of their very own in the near future, but wanted to let you know about them early as it was just so exciting!

You now know what I’ve been up to, and I feel happier knowing I’ve updated you all 😀

For me its back to working on portrait commissions, brilliant stuff!

See you soon with wolfy photos and stories, take care x