
I always enjoy a walk in the woods & recently I have noticed an abundance of beautiful spring flowers that brighten up my day
The sunshine through the leafy canopy gave an unusual light one day, so I took a few photos while I wandered
The buttercup test knew
I liked butter
I feel so lucky to live near such wonderful woodland & my Wiley boy loves to stop and smell the flowers every few steps
Lonely daisy

This is probably my favourite time of year, the birds certainly seem to be enjoying themselves as the woods is always filled with singing and chirping –  the perfect soundtrack!

Magical forest
Bluebells are really the stand out flower for me right now, they create an amazing blue glow against the green
Bluebell blanket

I love watching the same area of woods change throughout the year, who knows how many photographs I have taken since I began my walks along this same path?

I’m sure many of you have a place you love to go for a walk, so I wanted to share my morning wanderings with you
Take care!